CRF Volunteers Needed

Green Star could use a hand ripping two pallets of paperbacks into 1/4″ sections – can you help?

Tour recycling facilities in FNSB

Tour recycling facilities in FNSB

Ever wonder how recycling really gets done in Fairbanks North Star Borough? Get on the roster for one of the behind-the-scenes facility tours!

Waste Reduction Week Events List

Waste Reduction Week Events List

Waste Reduction Week events list – businesses and organizations all over town talk about ideas, strategies, give demonstrations and share experience about waste reduction, reuse and recycling in Fairbanks.

Don’t we already have a CRF?

NEWS FLASH – CRF funding has been APPROVED! Tell FNSB thanks! Don’t we already have a Central Recycling Facility? Here is an outline of some of the relevant facts about the CRF and why we need a new one sooner rather than later – and we are grateful the...