Linda Unsicker

Board Member


Linda grew up in Virginia and North Carolina where she was a radiology and orthopaedic tech for 20 years before moving west. She moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where she earner her bachelors degree in art, minoring in biology, from Westminster College. While in UT Linda also volunteered at the University of Utah Museum of Natural History for six years as a docent.

Next, Linda and her husband moved to Fairbanks (30 years ago) and quickly made Fairbanks their home. Linda continued museum work at the University of Alaska Museum, now Museum of the North, also attending UAF and earning a Masters in Museum Education.

In 2000 Linda and her husband started doing volunteer medical work in South Africa two to five months each year.  While in Africa she worked in a clinic located in a trash dump. During that time Linda and her husband began going to Tanzania each year, making it their primary focus, working with people in a hospital setting. After her husband passed away in 2011, she went to Morocco one month each year for four years, working as a caregiver with orphaned children who have severe physical challenges.

Here in Fairbanks Linda worked for several years as a greeter with Morris Thompson Visitor Center and with the Noel Wein Library as needed. Linda also volunteered with the Fairbanks Community Food Bank for 13 years until Covid caused a temporary stop to volunteering. She served 3 years on the Fairbanks Arts Association Board of Directors and has been on the FNSB Parks and Recreation Commission for 9 years. She also currently volunteers with Green Star sorting and taping batteries. Linda’s interests, in addition to her son and his family, are reading, hiking, snowshoeing, summer biking, river trips, and camping.