Mixed Paper

Identification: Mixed paper can be identified by its ability to rip or tear. Some common types include: white paper, colored paper, glossy paper, junk mail, office paper, cereal boxes, paper towel rolls, gift wrap, books, newspaper, magazines, phone books, 

Preparation: Remove all plastics. Separate out plain, corrugated cardboard. Mixed paper contaminated with food residue may not be recycled.

Items not accepted: Items with food residue (greasy pizza box bottoms, dirty paper cups or plates, napkins/tissues); hardcover books (unless spines and covers are removed); binder clips, plastic or metal bindings.

Where to Recycle:
Mixed Paper is accepted at the following location:

FNSB Central Recycling Facility

1855 Marika Road
(907) 374-6616

Tuesday – Friday: Noon – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Did you know that most of your recycled newspapers end up as one of the greenest and safest home insulation products around? Thermo-Kool of Alaska’s cellulose insulation is made from 85% locally recycled newspaper and fire retardants to begin its life anew as home insulation, keeping us warm during those cold winter months.