“FNSB Comprehensive Plan Update Survey” Background
Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) is asking residents for input and suggestions for the FNSB Comprehensive Plan Update in survey form. The FNSB Comprehensive Plan will help shape what the next 20 years in Fairbanks looks like. Submissions for the survey are due February 10th.
Green Star would like you to consider weighing in on the state of recycling in FNSB and what you would like to see over the next 20 years. Here are a few reasons to advocate for a better recycling center in the short term, and a broad commitment to recycling in the long term:
- The current FNSB Central Recycling Facility is in a rented facility that is too small to fit suitable bailers or accommodate the vehicles needed to handle all the recycling in FNSB including Ft. Wainwright and Eielson
- Because of this neither Ft Wainwright nor Eielson have comprehensive recycling collections, sending tons of recyclables into our landfill every month
- At our current rate of usage our entire landfill will be consumed before 2081, And a new one has to be purchased, permitted and licensed before the old one closes – a process which sometimes takes decades. BUT we can push this back with a robust and manageable recycling plan

Talking Points
On question 20 of the survey you can tell the borough that you would like to see FNSB invest in recycling by:
- Supporting for the new CRF currently in the FNSB CIP budget – a CRF with the capacity to process all borough recycling including Eielson and Wainwright
- Setting up recyclable materials collection at transfer sites
- Provision for curbside recyclable collection programs over time
- Incentivizing people and businesses to use our recycling in local manufacturing so we do not need to ship it out of state
You can fill out the survey by February 10th HERE
Please share with your friends and thank you for helping keep things which need not be buried out of our landfill.