Green Star of Interior Alaska has been retooling its repair and resale work by building used laptops to help close the technology gap in Fairbanks during this time when having access to a computer is so critical. During the COVID-19 crisis we are offering these computers for free or reduced-cost to assist folks without the ability to connect with loved ones while isolated at home, connect to technology to work remotely, apply for jobs or home school their kids. Last week we received a donation of over 200 used laptops for this project!

So far, our five volunteer teams have repaired over 60 laptops and desktops, 30 of which have been distributed to individuals. We have donated laptops to the Fairbanks North Star School District to distribute to families without computers facing online classes for the school year. We have also given laptops to the Fairbanks Rescue Mission and the Women’s Shelter to distribute to those in need. We are working on batches for the Fairbanks Resource Agency to assist residents of FRA’s group homes under lockdown with connecting to family and friends and for the Fairbanks Reentry Coalition to help their recently homeless or jobless clients apply for needed programs and services.

Some machines are old, and missing certain features, but all have been checked, cleaned, hard-drive wiped, and installed with a new operating system. All of this work is being completed by volunteers, donating their time to help their community.

If you or someone you know needs a device to connect to family, perform remote work, or homeschool your kids due to COVID-19 related issues, please fill out this form to be added to our list for a donated refurbished laptop.

With the Central Recycling Facility closed, our pool of used laptops to repair is finite. If you have a laptop you would be willing to donate to this effort, please drop it off in our Laptop Donation Dropbox at 1101 Well St. Because our staff are working from home, it is set up outside our warehouse dock-high door, left of the dumpster. There is a sign out front. Please place your donated laptop with its charging cord in the bin, and we will have staff check it and empty it periodically. Please only donate laptops. If you are concerned about data privacy, know that our volunteers wipe the drives before we donate them back to the community. Thank you for your help in making this happen!

If you don’t need a computer or have a laptop to donate, we invite you to consider donating to Green Star if you can, to help us continue this program for as long as possible!