#FNSBRecycles QR Code Sheet
Can you hang this #FNSBRecycles QR code sheet somewhere for us?
Can you hang this #FNSBRecycles QR code sheet somewhere for us?
Golden Heart clean up day is May 11th 2024. Bag pickup, team signups, etc. begin April 29th. Info , details and contact information in the flyer.
Thanks to GVEA, we have even more recycle bins for our Borrow a Bin program – and some Aluminum Can Only lids, as well – Thanks, GVEA and everyone in FNSB who rounded up to support Green Star!
Eligible companies and events can borrow recycling bins from Green Star of Interior Alaska – for FREE! Some terms and conditions apply.
Did you know that half of all of the plastic ever made has been made since the year 2000?
Ever wonder how recycling really gets done in Fairbanks North Star Borough? Get on the roster for one of the behind-the-scenes facility tours!