Eyeglasses to the CRF!
FNSB approves acceptance of eyeglasses at Central Recycling Facility for Aurora Borealis Lions Eyeglass Recycling Facility.
FNSB approves acceptance of eyeglasses at Central Recycling Facility for Aurora Borealis Lions Eyeglass Recycling Facility.
Quick invitation and a few reminders and helpful links…
CRF will remain OPEN during Marika Road Storm Drain Improvement construction 06/24/2024 to 09/15/2024
UAF’s annual Really Free Market is this Saturday: May 18th. And it’s really FREE! And they could use some extra hands to pull it off – can you help?
Does your workplace, business or organization recycle? Taking the first step has never been easier!
Stream Cleanup Day events are approaching – please save these dates and help make this year the best Stream Cleanup day ever!