The ugly truth about plastic:
Did you know that half of all of the plastic ever made has been made since the year 2000?
Did you know that half of all of the plastic ever made has been made since the year 2000?
As the promise of summer begins to take over kid’s imaginations it is always good to plan for sustainability. Here are some great ways to make sure they can feel good about the fun they are sure to have this summer!
Ever wonder how recycling really gets done in Fairbanks North Star Borough? Get on the roster for one of the behind-the-scenes facility tours!
Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials, and should not be buried in landfills. Here are a few good reasons why, and where to recycle in Fairbanks.
Waste Reduction Week events list – businesses and organizations all over town talk about ideas, strategies, give demonstrations and share experience about waste reduction, reuse and recycling in Fairbanks.