Want to learn how we keep computers alive?
Green Star of Interior Alaska Reuse IT Specialist’s host Opensource Expose and installation event you wont want to miss.
Green Star of Interior Alaska Reuse IT Specialist’s host Opensource Expose and installation event you wont want to miss.
Can you hang this #FNSBRecycles QR code sheet somewhere for us?
Greenstar out on the town – Saturday at both the Earth Day Fair and Makers Market, and the KTVF Summer Activity Fair. Stop by both events!
Eligible companies and events can borrow recycling bins from Green Star of Interior Alaska – for FREE! Some terms and conditions apply.
Did you know that half of all of the plastic ever made has been made since the year 2000?
As the promise of summer begins to take over kid’s imaginations it is always good to plan for sustainability. Here are some great ways to make sure they can feel good about the fun they are sure to have this summer!